
Need to know more before you donate? Check out our Annual Reports for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. You can also read our donation policy or email us.

Can you help upgrade our Tech to keep ActionStation running?

ActionStation’s work is largely digitally-driven. The bespoke systems we are using are out-dated and will be sunsetted in 2023. This includes the OurActionStation petition platform, which has allowed our community to achieve important people-powered change.

We need to migrate to more fit-for-purpose tools, and we need to raise a substantial amount of money in order to do this: $40,000 for the migration, and $40,000 per year in ongoing costs of subscriptions and staff salaries to support the backbone of our activity.

Every donation, small and large, will help. Is this something you can assist with?

Donate using this secure form, or donate via bank

Donate via internet banking

ActionStation Aotearoa Kiwibank: 38-9012-0571645-00

If you choose this option, please email [email protected] with the subject line 'Can you help upgrade our Tech to keep ActionStation running?' to let us know so we can keep an eye out for it!

We rely entirely on individual donations and grants. We receive no government funding and we don't accept money from pokies. Our team works hard to ensure even the smallest contributions go a long way. No amount is too small and all donations will help build a better, fairer, more beautiful and just Aotearoa New Zealand.

As the banks are phasing out cheques, we can no longer accept them. Please consider donating via a bank transfer or directly via our website.

Please note: Donations to ActionStation are not tax deductible.